Thursday, February 6, 2014

Whose fault is your mood?

The way we feel isn't a mood that we can't control, it's our reaction to the things around us. We can chose to scope out the negative, play the victim, and look at things like they are trying to get you down. OR we can look at everything positively, find the good in everything, and realize that no one is focused on you or trying to ruin your mood.

Our mood is our decision!

We cannot change other people, they will do what they want and act how they want. The only thing we can change is our reaction to them.

1. Ignore their negativity, reply to them with a smile and show them that they have no power over you.
2. Walk away from it when you can.
3. If it is someone close to you, be honest and tell them that their attitude is unacceptable and you want none of it in your life.

And most important of all - never reciprocate negativity. Rise above it and kill them with kindness - it's actually kind of fun!!

If someone or somewhere specific (like your boss) is getting you down and you can't avoid them, follow these simple tips:

1. Focus on yourself. Ask yourself how you feel about this situation, how should you feel, what is the positive here? How can you focus more on your own opinions and less on the reactions of others?  
2. Use a mantra or phrase.  I try to focus on whatever I want to be, such as calm or positive, and repeat the word to distract me from whatever negative situation is going on around me. It can really help you focus on what's happening within you (rather than external factors) and gives you a way to center yourself.

3.  Remove yourself mentally.  I do think sometimes you have to give yourself a break and let your mind vacate certain situations. If you can remove the negativity from yourself by removing your mental state from the negative place you've found yourself in, you'll probably gain a lot more clarity about the situation and how it's make you (not others) feel. 

What will your mood be today!?

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