Sunday, February 9, 2014

Money Can Buy Happiness

So now that you've written down all the things that make you laugh and smile... Let's look at what has scientifically been proven to make people happy.

According to Shawn Anchor happiness has 7 principles:

1. The Happiness Advantage
2. The Fulcrum and The Lever
3. The Tetris Effect
4. Falling Up
5. The Zorro Circle
6. The 20-Second Rule
7. Social Investment

I've only gotten as far as the Happiness Advantage. These are the steps to learn the happiness advantage:

1. Meditate: this actually grows your pre-frontal cortex... the part of the brain that is responsible for making you feel happy... cool huh?

- I didn't really believe in meditation until I learned what anxiety felt like. Contrary to what most people thing, meditation isn't something to believe in or a lifestyle... it's a physical action that takes practice.

How to meditate? It's easier than you think:

- Lay down and close your eyes
- Put your hand on your stomach
- Try not to let your mind go crazy, I try to just picture clouds floating in the sky or floating in a boat, just go to your safe place (this is the hard part, just keep practicing).
- Now just breathe. Breathe in so deep that you feel each lung fill and your stomach rises as far as it can. Then breathe out until there is no air left and your stomach has shrunken back down. Picture it like when a sleeping dog breathes - physically  moving their stomach (humans forget to do this when we are stressed or anxious).
- Do this for 1 minute... 2 minutes... and keep practicing until you get to 5 minutes a day - that's all it takes!
- It also helps to de-stress before you fall asleep or to calm yourself down from an anxiety attack!

                                            What people think meditation looks like:                                      

What meditation really looks like:
2. Find something to look forward to: This increases happiness! Studies have shown that people that look forward to something, like a vacation or a movie, have higher endorphin levels.

- I'm going to Vegas in June with my beach body family! I'm looking forward to it so much and I have so many goals for that date, I put a poster up by my alarm clock ;)

3. Commit conscious acts of kindness: Studies show that acts of kindness make you happier. Take one day a week and commit to doing two acts of kindness :)

- I actually do this now.. I don't start the day knowing I will do an act of kindness, but if I see an opportunity to tip, say thank you, help someone with their bag, hold a door open, or tell someone they are beautiful... I do it more often since I'm aware... it feels great :)

4. Infuse positivity into your surroundings: put pictures of your friends and family on your computer background, take 15 minutes of your day to go outside, and decrease the negative in your surroundings.
- My computer background is my goals and trips coming up in 2014

5. Exercise: Can you believe it? Exercise is actual scientifically proven to create happiness! They say the intense, powerful, and determined feeling when you have going through a work out can increase endorphins and happy chemicals in the brain!

6. Spend Money (but not on stuff): Money can buy happiness, but only if we spend it to DO things instead on things. Next time you have money to spend, spend it on a trip with a friend, a dinnner date, or on a charity event... you will be happier than if you spent it on a pair of heels! 
- I love shopping and buying things, but maybe there is a balance between both ;)

7. Exercise a signature strength: If you need a happiness boost... DO something your GOOD at. Everyone has a talent! It makes you happy to do the things your good at!!

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