Thursday, February 27, 2014

Silver Lining

 How To Find Your Silver Lining:

Let's say you are in a situation in which you consider bad luck, karma, waste of time, sucky, miserable... and the list goes on. How many of these things are in your life?!

How do you escape the shitty feeling that comes with those things? By finding the silver lining.

When you are in that moment, ask yourself:

1. How can I use this situation as a gateway to learning something about myself, and then change for the better?

2. How could this positively affect me?

3. How will this make me stronger and better?

4. How does this relate to my life purpose? 
Success is a function of your ability to be at peace with the following truth: Everything that happens to you is exactly what is supposed to happen to you.  

5. What can I learn from this?
6. What is the hidden treasure inside this person that maybe others don’t see? What makes this person special?
This SAVES me when I am stuck in situations with people I clash with, it really helps!

7. Where is the gift in this? 

You should be able to come up with an honest positive answer to these questions in any situation. If not, you are trying too hard to stay negative.

 REMEMBER: If you can’t think of anything nice to say, you’re not very creative.

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