Thursday, February 13, 2014

Lillies & Leeches

Dr. Ned Hallowell is the world's leading expert on entrepreneur ADD (attention defect disorder).

I watched one of his videos and I wanted to highlight the parts that really opened my eyes to what I was doing wrong.

"The great thing about modern life is we can do so much, but the problem is that we can do so much"

He says that smart people, ADD or not, get so distracted in the modern word and they don't prioritize. This causes them to miss out on happiness and success.

Did you know most people spend 20 minutes every hour spending time on distractions?!

Tips to avoiding the modern world distractions to allow you to be successful & happy:

1. Have 3 goals: This allows you to set goals that are important and a priority for you. If you only have 3 then you can accomplish them and make new ones. If you have 30 then you will never give 100% to any of these goals.
- 3 short term goals
- 3 medium term goals
- 3 long term goals
- 3 lifetime goals

2.  Screen sucking: Did you know that because the modern screens are interactive (iphones, ipad, computers, video games...), the same dopamine pattern happens in the brain while you use these devices as what drives addictions??
It is a hypnotic power and you lose track of time... it's an addiction.
Prevent this by making yourself stick to a time allowed for your computer, and then TURN IT OFF. I need to do this ASAP!

3. Instead of saying "Sure, no problem" every time someone asks you to do something or start a new project, say, "Let me think about that" or "Let me get back to you on that"
You can't say yes to everything or you will stretch yourself too thin, you will become too overwhelmed, and you can not give 100% to every project/person.
Say this "I don't have time to give your project justice".
People will thank you for this.

4. Never worry alone: This can save your life. The irony of modern life is that we are really connected electronically, but very disconnected personally. People don't have the sense of belonging, of company, and of people to turn to for help as much as they used to. There is alot of unacknowledged loneliness in this world. People are surrounded by people, but not really connected.

 You need to have someone to worry with. For example, 
Worry about your health with a doctor.
Worry about finances with a financial planner or a friend in finances.
Worry about your relationship with a best friend that is in a similar situation or has good advice.
Worry about school with a friend in a higher class.
Worry about work with a friend in a similar field.

Never worry alone. Toxic worry is routed in lack of information, wrong information, or both. You immediately make a plan by talking to someone about a worry. If you make a plan, it's not toxic anymore.

5. Embrace your "Lillies" and let go of your "Leeches"
Lillies are people or projects that are worth it. They take alot of time and effort but in the long run they are worth every minute of it. For example, someone's kids or a personal project.

Leeches are people or projects that are not worth your time. They do not give back the time you put in, they don't appreciate the effort you give, and they are not worth it.

People stay with leeches because of weakness or guilt. Leeches don't deserve your time and you would be happier if that time was spend with your Lillies. Don't feel bad getting rid of your leeches, you never know, someone's leech might be someone else's Lilly! 

Do what is best for you and focus on those that make you happy.

Don't forget to limit your Lillies, too many worth while projects crowd out each others growth and take up each others time. You need to prioritize.

~ Make Yourself Happy, YOU Deserve It ~

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