Thursday, January 30, 2014

Mirror Mirror

What do you say to yourself when you look in the mirror?

Is it, "Man, You're awesome", "Keep going, you will soon be on top of the world", "I see huge success in your future", "You are powerful and worth it"


Do you say, "Man, you're so fucking fat", "Ugh, that's so gross", "You can't pull that outfit off", "You failed again, I don't know why you bother"

I was sitting in therapy one day talking about my self-image issues and my counselor said, "What do you say to yourself when you look in the mirror?"

I paused and said, "That I am overweight".

He said, "In your head, you say the words, you are overweight?? Are you sugar coating the words you're telling me?! Tell me the exact words you use".

It took me 5 minutes to convince myself to say them out loud, "God, you're so fucking fat".

I was in SHOCK. How could I actually say that to myself every morning in the mirror? And consciously not understand how I am treating myself. I would NEVER EVER say that to anyone else, so why would I say that to myself?!

Since that day, I have never said anything of that nature again when looking in the mirror. It's amazing how awareness and accountability can change your actions. I challenge you to say everything you think to yourself out loud today and ask yourself if you would let someone else hear you say that? If not, change needs to be made.

What is the benefit in talking down to yourself? What good comes out of it? NOTHING!!!

This is how I look in the mirror now, whether I believe it or not, I say it. It's amazing what positive affirmations can do.

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