Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Las Vegas Beachbody Summit

 Hey everyone! Sorry for my lack of posting over the last month. I have been TRAVELLING with limited internet! Poor excuse, but it's TRUE.

Let me tell you about my adventures!

First I went to home to the Cayman Islands to do externships (work at veterinary clinics) for veterinary school. Then I went to Las Vegas for Summit.

What is Summit you ask? It was beach body's national conference, which meant >9,000 beachbody coaches in one hotel in Las Vegas. It was CRAZY!

First I met all the coaches that I work with and have grown to love OVER THE INTERNET. I thought this was crazy. People are SO different that I expected them to be! It amazed me that we could have such close relationships with people only through facebook. WEIRD.

Then, all of the TOP of the TOP coaches got on stage and told us their transformation stories. How they started as alcoholic, broke, consecutive DUIs, thousands of dollars in debt, sick newborns, sicknesses, depression, anxiety, sudden death of family members...

To happy, wealthy, independent, sober, fit, beautiful, and healthy.... it was so inspiring to see and be a part of.

I was SO excited and inspired that I had to take a happy selfie:

NEVER GIVE UP was the theme of the weekend.

They introduced three new programs! PiYO, 3 day REFRESH, and an intro level P90x.

YES, I even worked out while I was there! Sean T all the way!

Out in the Las Vegas lights:

Darren Hardy! This is the man who wrote The Compound Effect. His talk was so amazing and inspiring. He was very handsome too... I found a new crush.

Then we worked out in a parking lot with 9,000 people! All of the celebrity fitness people, Sean T, Tony Horton, Autum from the 21 day fix, and the girl from the PiYO! It was pretty crowded, but cool at the same time.

It was an amazing trip! I met so many beautiful and genuinely happy people that I will have as friends forever. I also have so many new ideas and projects to do! Stay tuned for my upcoming fitness groups!

~No Dream Is Too Big~

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