Monday, July 21, 2014

Growing up

Do you know people who rely on other people to live? They still rely on their parents for car insurance, health insurance, phone bills... They still rely on their parents to pay their rent or fix their appliances? They rely on their current boyfriend, physically and emotionally? Can't live without a man in their life, can't be alone?

I think the hardest part of growing up is learning how to embrace the fear of being independent. Accepting that your life has become a map of only your decisions, your choices, your mistakes... and it's up to you to pick up the pieces when things go wrong.

You NEED to have the confidence or strength to be alone and believe in yourself. Instead of trusting someone else to make you happy, trust in yourself to be okay when things go wrong. Trust yourself enough to handle anything that comes your way.

If you do, that fear will dissolve away. You can be happy with only yourself, no matter what.

If you don't, that fear will build and build and build... you will blame other people and become the victim of "having the worst luck" or  believe that "no one cares". You will be alone with someone that you hate and don't trust (yourself).

THIS IS YOUR LIFE... TAKE CHARGE... EMBRACE your life, embrace the fact that YOU get to make all of the decisions... become someone that you rely on to get you through.

Figure out who you are, who you want to become, and then become the best version of yourself.

THAT is when you will find someone to share your independence with you, not for you to depend on.

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