Friday, May 9, 2014

Mirror Challenge


I want ya'll to say OUT LOUD what you say in your head (to yourself) when you look in the mirror. I know when I get undressed in the morning or when I get out of the shower I look at my body. I used to say things like, "Ugh your so gross and fat" or worse. Now, since I've practiced, I say things like "Not to shabby Joyce, you're working on it". Do you see the difference?

Don't think that if you have this conversation in your head you are completing this challenge. Say it OUT LOUD. It took me like 10 minutes to actually admit out loud what I was saying in my head to myself. Reality check. If you wouldn't say it to someone else, don't say it to yourself. Stop punishing yourself. Motivate yourself by what you say to the mirror.

You may think this is corny or dumb... but it's been a HUGE game changer for me. How can you be self-confident if you are knocking yourself down everytime you look in the mirror? Time to stop.

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