Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Guilt eats you ALIVE. I know, I used to practice it ALOT.

I would be guilty if I ate something bad, if I skipped a work out, if I gossiped, if I said something mean, if I was rude, if I made a bad decision, if I drank too much, if I gave into the wrong priorities...

Have you ever stopped yourself mid-guilt and said - 

"So, you made the wrong decision, sucks... BUT THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO TAKE IT BACK NOW. Just DO BETTER the next time, the next day... Just do better next time."

And then really actually do better the next time...

That is how you grow. That is how you don't hate yourself.

We are all human, we are not perfect, so give yourself a break ;) Just do better tomorrow.

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