Sunday, May 25, 2014

GO TO BED - Night Time Depression

Depression is a funny thing. It's not funny... but it's so complex. It comes in many different forms, at many different times, and for many different reasons. There are also so many forms of it that sometimes you don't even know what's happening.

Let's talk about the night-time depression. Now, I'm no doctor, but I think sometimes experience can make you more knowledgeable about things than degrees... and BOY do I experience night-time depression. I also made up that name.

So let's say you're doing great on your own - whether you are single, newly broken up, fighting with a spouse, or in a long distance relationship...

You're doing great during the day, feeling confident, making healthy choices, loving the independent feeling, loving spending time with yourself...

And then, BOOM.

Sometimes, NO MATTER WHAT, once a certain time at night comes, you start to feel sad, lonely, and needy. This happens to me all the time. Somehow at night, the chemicals change in my brain, and I feel depressed laying in bed alone or watching tv on the couch alone. The major problem with this night-time epression, is that then I binge eat or call an ex-boyfriend, or make a dumb decision, because the lonely part of my brain took over the strong, independent, self confident person that was there earlier in the day.

TIME. TO. STOP. this cycle. And I've figured out how. GO TO BED.

What I've learned is that as soon as your brain's chemicals start going hay-wire and changing how you feel, it's because it's TIRED. It's a sign of exhaustion. SO instead of making bad decisions, GOOOOOOOO TOOOOOO BEDDDDDDDD

Sleep solves all. You'll feel great when you wake up. Everytime, no fai. So when you feel in doubt - say wait, I just need to go to bed.

I promise, I feel 1000,00000,0000 times better <3

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