Saturday, February 8, 2014

33% Americans are happy - are you?!

33% of Americans say that they are happy.

Do you know what makes you happy? If you were asked that in a job interview, do you know what you would say?

Shouldn't we be living our lives for the things that make us happy?

If we don't know, then how do we live our life? 

We would probably just float through life, letting things happen to us, and let someone or something else take the blame for how unsuccessful we are. Unfortunately, this is alot more common than you think.

So every time you catch yourself genuinely smile, laugh, or enjoy something, write it down. Make a list and then get rid of everything else in your life. If your ever feeling "blah", go look at your list and do something on it. 

Just live for what makes you happy.

My list:
- Family
- Friends
- Animals, specifically my dog, Colby
- Nature (sunsets, beaches, the ocean, trees, flowers)
- Sports (soccer, softball, tennis, golf, swimming, squash, badmitton, volleyball...)
- Chocolate (specifically real Cadbury chocolate)
- Board games
- Being outside
- Fishing
- Feeling beautiful
- Dancing
- DIY house projects
- Eating
- TV shows (Greys, Friends, Full house, Revenge, That Mindy Project, Girls, The New Girl, Nashville)
- Movies
- My house being clean 
- Music (Pop, country, party/dance music, John Mayer)
- Cooking (Specifically new & healthy things)
- Meeting new people
- Travelling
- Reading
- Learning from smarter people
- Surgery
- Medicine
Watching regular TV does not make me feel happy... Do you know how many hours I have wasted watching general TV?! WHyyyyyy on earth would I do that to myself?

Feeling beautiful makes me happy. So, why would I eat unhealthy, stop working out, and allow myself to have clothing that doesn't fit?! 

Being outside makes me happy, so while I'm writing this blog, why wouldn't I go sit outside? 

Convenience and comfort... don't let these excuses kill your happiness.

~What makes YOU happy?~

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